Ranking Your Favorite Pets By Annual Cost: Can You Afford A Pet?

Pets are great! They are such a joy to have, but people definitely need to think long and hard before they decide to get one. So, how much is that doggie (or kitty, rabbit, rat, or guinea pig…) in the shelter
window? In addition to the initial cost of adoption, there’s a whole array of expenses that the average pet owner will incur within a year.

Before you take the plunge and fall for a furry friend, make an estimate of what the pet will potentially cost you. When you’ve got a budget to contend with, though, it can be difficult finding the financial space necessary to properly care for a little critter of your own.

To help prospective pet owners understand what they’re getting into, and possibly to guide them towards a pet that falls into their price range, here are some of the most popular pets in America, ranked from most expensive to least expensive.

#1 – Dogs ($700-$2,000 per year)
Dogs are great. They’re loyal, smart, and guileless. Domesticated dogs make wonderful pets for all sorts of situations. Unfortunately, dogs can also be quite expensive to care for. 

The range in cost for upkeep is wide and depends largely on the breed. Smaller dogs and mixed breed dogs require less food and have less prevalent health issues, as compared to larger dogs and purebred dogs.

One-time pet expenses:
  • Spaying or Neutering: Dog: $200 / Cat: $145
 Initial * Shelters and Rescue Group Pets have all been fixed and up to date on their shots.
  • Medical Exam: Dog: $70 / Cat: $130 * Usually Shelters offer a Free 1st office visit
  • Collar or Leash: Dog: $30 / Cat: $10
  • Cat Litter Box:  $25
  • Cat Scratching Post:  $15
  • Crate: Dog: $95
  • Carrying Crate: Dog: $60 / Cat: $40
  • Training: Dog: $110 Optional
Total One-time Costs: Dog: $565 / Cat: $365

If you’ve got a space in your heart for a canine or feline friend, but not a lot of space in your budget, visit your local shelter -  * look for special adoption events and promotions which have reduced adoption fees. Most rescues will be up to date on their vaccinations, which will save you a lot of money up front.

#2 – Rabbits ($600-$1,100)
You might be surprised to see rabbits here, but rabbits can be high maintenance pets. Litter and bedding alone can set you back a fair amount every month. Plus you also need to be careful about your rabbit’s diet – an unhealthy or insufficient diet for any animal is likely to lead to expensive health issues down the road.

#3 – Cats ($500-$1,000)
Like dogs, the breed of the cat will make a difference in the annual costs, especially when it comes to potential grooming or medical needs. Another consideration: whether or not the cat is allowed outside. 

Compared to indoor cats, cats that have free reign to go outside often need more vaccinations and may potentially need more medical care in general. The biggest routine expenses for cats are generally food and litter.

#4 – Guinea pigs ($500-$800)

 Guinea pigs can be much more expensive than you might have guessed. Although they’re small, their food isn’t especially cheap, and much like rabbits, their bedding can cost between $30 and $40 per month. And also like rabbits, guinea pigs require fresh vegetables as part of a balanced diet. That fresh produce really adds up.

#5 – Turtles ($350-$1,200)
Once again, the type of turtle makes a huge difference. Most turtles can live for decades, but the requirements for keeping them healthy will range dramatically depending on the breed. 

Leaving aside all of the upfront set-up costs (buying the tank, etc.), turtles can be a relatively manageable pet as long you make sure to provide for their basic needs.

#6 – Small reptiles ($300-$1,300)

Reptiles come in many shapes and sizes, and their needs can vary greatly. Because most reptiles don’t come from a natural habitat that in any way resembles your house, you’ll have upfront costs related to creating a suitable environment. 

After that, the costs will really depend on diet and what it takes to maintain that environment. Some reptiles require fresh fruit. Some just need crickets. Be sure to do your homework before you bring a reptile home to stay.

#7 – Ferrets ($300-$700)

Ferrets don’t require much beyond proper diet and exercise, making them a viable choice for people who don’t quite have the space or budget for larger, more expensive pets. They’re banned in certain locations though (California and Hawaii, among others), so be aware of your local laws.

#8 – Hamsters/Rats/Other small mammals ($300-$500)

Small mammals are a popular “starter” pet for families and children because they’re inexpensive and don’t require a ton of upkeep. They also have very short lifespans, which is sad, but also means there’s usually no medical costs associated.

#9 – Birds ($200-$400)

Many small birds kept as pets can live for decades. Luckily, small birds like parakeets are also very inexpensive to care for. You have the cost of food and the occasional medical check-up. And that’s about it. However, larger birds like parrots lifespan ranges from 5 to 100 years, depending on the specific species and environment. Amazon parrots have an average lifespan of 50 to 70 years. Cockatiels, canaries and parakeets tend to have shorter lifespans that range between 15 and 20 years.

#10 – Fish ($50-$200)

We tend to think of dogs and cats as the most popular pets in America, but fish actually outnumber each two-to-one. The set-up for fish ownership can be pricey, depending on the number of fish and the size of the tank. 

But once you actually have the fish (depending on the fish) upkeep is pretty inexpensive. Just get the right kind of food, serve it in the correct amount, and keep the tank clean. Most fish will cost you less than $5 a month. Now that’s a budget-friendly pet!

If you're considering a pet, but aren't sure if you can afford one, take the time to put together a thorough budget. 

Pets can be adopted from the Humane Society, SPCA, Shelters, adopted from a Rescue Group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.

Bankrate: How Much Does Owning Pets Cost?
The Annual Cost Of Pet Ownership: Can You Afford A Furry Friend?