Shocking Ingredients That Are Put Into Pet Food

Television commercials and magazine advertisements for pet food would have us believe that the meats, grains, and fats used in these foods could grace our dining tables. Chicken, beef, lamb, whole grains, and quality fats are supposedly the composition of dog and cat food.

When we purchase these bags and cans of commercial food, we are in most cases purchasing garbage.

Let's start with what usually appears as the protein source and the primary ingredient in pet food.

The well-known phrase "meat byproducts" is a misnomer since these byproducts contain little, if any, meat. These are the parts of the animal left over after the meat has been stripped away from the bone.

Chicken and Meat Byproducts

These byproducts include head, feet, entrails, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, liver, stomach, bones, blood, intestines, and any other part of the carcass not fit for human consumption," writes Henry Pasternak in Healing Animals with Nature's Cures.


Research Confirms Shocking Health Risks of GM (Genetically Modified) Corn Fed to Rats Cause Cancer, Tumors and Organ Failure. “The animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage.

Findings from the study

Here are some of the shocking findings from the study:

• Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death.
• Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors. (The pesticide Roundup is sprayed on corn and can be found in the water supply in the U.S.) 
• Rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organ damage including liver damage and kidney damage.
The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of GM corn that’s grown across North America and widely fed to animals and humans.

This is the same corn that’s in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and corn snack chips. Corn is usually the first ingredient listed in the majority of pet foods, which poses many health risks and extreme dangers to your pet

Meat and Chicken Meal

 Meat meal can contain the boiled down flesh of animals we would find unacceptable for consumption. This can include zoo animals, road kill, and 4-D (dead, diseased, disabled, dying) livestock.

Most shockingly, this also can include dogs and cats. Fast Food Nation author Eric Schlosser writes, "Although leading American manufacturers promise never to put rendered pets into their pet food, it is still legal to do so".

A Canadian company, Sanimal Inc., was putting 40,000 pounds of dead dogs and dead cats into its dog and cat food every week, until discontinuing the practice in June 2001.

 "This food is healthy and good," said the company's vice president of procurement, responding to critics, ''but some people don't like to see meat meal that contains any pets."

Spoiled Grocery Meats

 Every day, out-of-date supermarket meats as well as spoiled fish and poultry arrive by the truckload, right in their original Styrofoam trays and shrink wrap. There’s simply no time for the tedious task of unwrapping each individual package of the many thousands of rejected products.

Plastic cattle ID lags, pesticide patches and even the green waste disposal bags containing pets from veterinarians are tossed directly into the pit. As you can see, literally all of it (plastic, paper, cardboard, and whatever) goes right into the rendering machine.

By now, you must be starting to figure it all out. Much of what goes into cat and dog food is simply what’s left over after the processing of human food. It’s what’s commonly classified as “unfit for human consumption”.

For years, PETA has pressed Iams to stop conducting and funding experiments on animals and to adopt 100 percent humane testing methods. Iams has made some progress, but MANY animals are still suffering for its products.

Read the story here

Unfit for Humans - Legal for Pet Food

Here’s a short list of some of the unsavory raw materials I've already mentioned, plus a few others. All of the following ingredients are appalling, yet each can be lawfully used to make cat and dog food:
  • Slaughterhouse waste (organs, heads, hooves, beaks, feet) 
  • Bread and cereal rejects (cobs, stalks, mill sweepings) 
  • Contaminated grain middlings 
  • Dying, diseased and disabled farm animals 
  • Road kill (deer, skunks, and raccoons) 
  • Distiller fermentation waste 
  • Spoiled supermarket food 
  • Dead zoo animals 
  • Restaurant grease 
  • Euthanized cats and dogs
This list doesn't include the endless amounts of chemicals added to pet foods used to sustain a longer "shelf life".The pet food industry can be, at least in part, a sinister waste disposal vehicle for the human food manufacturers and a way to profit from its own garbage.

Many companies practice legal witchcraft by magically turning their trash - into cash.

RELATED: Dangers of Commercial Pet Food

         February, 2015
To see the full story click here
To avoid these "killer" ingredients in your pets food, we recommend feeding your dogs and cats a natural pet food. PLEASE READ THE LABEL!  (Bring your magnifying glass.) If you can't pronounce an ingredient, don't buy the food. It's either a preservative (toxin) or a toxic chemical that will harm or even kill your pet.

Another added feature of feeding your pets natural food products, is that they eat less. When pets eat "junk food" they eat more often to try to get the nutrition they require. When  we go to a fast food restaurant, aren't you hungry a couple of hours later?

Some pet food producers will substitute ingredients and not change the label to truthfully reflect what you're buying.

Price and availability of raw ingredients change from day to day, the less ethical producer will then substitute one ingredient for another in order to keep production costs to a minimum.

They want to make that food as cheaply as possible! And changing the label to reflect the ingredient change is not required to be done immediately.

NOTE: I recommend the following NATURAL Food Supplements for your dogs and cats. This will provide essential nutrients for your pet, as commercial foods lack a sufficient amount of. I've been using this product for many years, and am proud to say, my pets never get sick! (Knock on wood)

Natural Supplements For Your Pets


NUPRO All Natural Dog Supplement was researched and developed by a nutrition doctor. It is a totally holistic product that replaces the vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes that a dog does not get from his processed food.

In other words, Nupro is replacing with natural ingredients what a dog would normally have gotten in the wild. It is excellent for all breeds and all ages from puppies to geriatric.

NUPRO is made using fresh premium quality health food ingredients and contains a full range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and essential omega fatty acids - All in their natural raw forms.

Whether you use commercial diets or cook for your animals, NUPRO should be a fundamental part of your pet's daily nutritional program.


NUPRO  Health Nuggets for Cats is a superior supplement that provides the raw vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino and fatty acids that are lacking in commercially processed foods.

Nupro was designed to boost your cat's typical diet with whole, fresh and nutrient-rich ingredients.

It's also great if you have a cat that has "hairballs". I adopted a senior cat, long haired sweetie who was throwing up everyday, sometimes two to three times daily.

Approximately two weeks after giving her Nupro for cats, everyday, it stopped considerably, which even amazed me! I still give it to her, and she still throws up, however, it's only two or three times a month. Quite an improvement.

Health Benefits
  • Gives cats shiny coats 
  • Eliminates dry, itchy skin 
  • Reduces amount of hairballs 
  • Can be used for kittens and older cats 
  • Relieves joint stiffness 
  • Aids in digestion 
  • Recommended by veterinarians 
  • Boosts the immune system 
  • Fights against allergies