Top 10 Dog Breeds That Live The Longest

We all want our dogs to share our lives for many years. One of the best predictors of a long, happy canine life is the quality of care provided to the dog, such as great nutrition, not to mention protection from accidents. There are other factors that come into play, particularly the dog’s breed.

It seems that some breeds are programmed for long lives.
In general, smaller dogs live longer than their larger counterparts, so you’ll notice a number of petite pooches on the list!

Here is a list of the 10 dog breeds that live the longest, along with their average lifespans. 

10. Maltese

Females of this breed tend to live one year longer than their male counterparts, but all Maltese pups are expected to have long lifespans since they suffer from few serious genetic diseases. 

Average lifespan: 15 years 

9. Beagle

The oldest known Beagle was named Butch, who lived in Virginia and died at the ripe old age of 27 in 2009.

Average lifespan: 15 years 

8. Australian Shepherd

Aussies are known for their excellent herding ability, intelligence, and high energy — and they’re also one of the larger dogs on this list.

Average lifespan: 15 years 

7. Shih Tzu
These “lions” were sweethearts of the Chinese Ming Dynasty, and today they live long lives as companion animals throughout the world.

Average lifespan: 15 years

7. Lhasa Apso

The oldest Lhasa apso on record lived a whopping 29 years and passed away in 1939. They’re known as good indoor watch dogs since they tend to be suspicious of strangers.

Average lifespan: 15 years

5. Cockapoo
This is a hybrid breed — a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle — but their lifespan must be inherited from their Poodle side, since Cocker Spaniels generally only live between 10 and 14 years.

Average lifespan: 16 years

4. Jack Russell terrier

These pups are well known for their high level of energy. Maybe that’s what keeps them going so long!

Average lifespan: 16 years

3. Toy Poodle

All poodles and poodle mixes have a fairly long expected lifespan, but as the littlest of the group, toy poodles have the longest.

Average lifespan: 16 years

2. Chihuahuas
Chihuahua's may be the smallest dog breed, but they can also boast being one of the longest-living, largely because they are not prone to any serious genetic illnesses.

Average lifespan: 17 years

1. New Guinea singing dog 

Haven’t heard of this breed before? Well, that’s probably because it is considered the world’s rarest dog. This wild dog originated in New Guinea and is known for its singing howl. Only about 100 live in captivity. Though they are thought to be the most primitive dog in existence today, they are gentle and friendly with humans. 

Average lifespan: 18 years