Disease Prevention For Your Pet Without Vaccinations

Disease prevention comes from having a healthy immune system. It does not come from vaccinations. By now you are well aware of the toxic ingredients of vaccinations, including mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, cross species tissue, adjuvants and more. It doesn't take much intelligence to appreciate the toxic effects of these substances on a body.

Natural Immunity

A newborn is not born with an immune system. They receive passive immunity from their mother's milk. As they grow and start to eat solid food, their immune system begins to form. Naturally, the weaning period is tapered off slowly, so that the baby's immune system can make mistakes as it develops.

Once the baby is fully weaned (naturally by the mother, not forced by people), the immune system is very capable. Any passing pathogen, whatever it is, can be easily rebuffed.

A healthy immune system doesn't just target common diseases, such as parvo, kennel cough, influenza, enteritis. It targets all disease. A healthy immune system will also be capable of rebuffing new or rare diseases.


It is doubtful that there is a commercial pet food that does not harm. From poor quality, cheap ingredients that are deficient in nutrients, to the lack of balance between protein and carbohydrates, to the chemical overload that is supposed to address the nutrient shortfall, to color, to flavor, to improving the consistency, and to preserving the dry and semi-dry foods.

Living conditions, understanding what the species need

Living conditions are extremely important. If your pet is not able of expressing who they are freely, they will suffer mentally. For example, dogs need company. They are pack animals and can become depressed if they spend a lot of time on their own. Cats need to have access to the sun, to the grass under their paws, to feel the energy of nature. Exclusively indoor cats have more health problems than those who have at least some free time outside.

Mental Health

How you treat your pet is important. Invariably, people use human concepts to train or treat their pet. This causes many problems. You need to understand who they are, where they come from. Most dogs feel they are the leader of the family pack because humans don't understand dogs and give them conflicting messages.

This leads to high anxiety in the dog and destructive habits. Ultimately, this moves on to depression or aggression. Cats are easily frightened and if they do not have a safe place to escape to, they too can become aggressive.


Veterinary medicines do not address the cause of the problem. They suppress the symptoms. They are toxic, especially to the liver. They suppress the immune system, leading to more problems in the future. 

They meddle with the DNA. Viruses mutate to produce more serious diseases as a result. Parvo virus developed as a result of the distemper vaccine, feline infectious peritonitis as a result of the feline leukaemia vaccine.

Vaccines may have reduced incidences of the original disease, but at a cost - worse ones have developed.

Alternative Options

Feed your pet in accordance to their evolutionary history, with quality food.

Understand who your pet is and their needs, rather than yours. This can prevent unacceptable behavior.

Use a natural healthcare system that deals with the cause of the problem, rather than suppressing the effects. Homeopathy is probably the best of these, with deep acting and far reaching abilities.

About the author:
Madeleine Innocent has been a full time professional homeopath since 2000. She treats both people and animals with homeopathy and diet-for-health, both at her clinic and on-line.

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