How Kids Should NOT Interact with Dogs

People often consider only how dogs would be with their children and not whether their children will be good with dogs. Dogs are not the only one in a relationship (especially with children) that need to be trained. Not every dog is right for children and not every child is right for a dog. The vast majority of
dog/child problems involve children under six years of age.

If your children are under six you should invest a great deal of time and thought before choosing a new dog. Large dogs that have been bred as guard dogs or have a history of being aggressive or biting should be avoided. Large, high-energy dogs that can knock children over or dogs that bark excessively would not be good choices, as well.

Parents with small children are usually very busy - they often do not have the free time or desire to spend hours grooming or walking a high maintenance dog. Initially, puppies require almost as much time as a child does, so ask yourself if you are ready to bring a new puppy into a home that is already too busy.

Many of the problems encountered occur because a dog was purchased because the dog would be 'good for the kids' or the children begged for one, but the parent did not really want a dog. If the parents are not one hundred percent committed to caring for and training the dog, then it's usually discouraged from acquiring a dog, otherwise it is not fair to the people or the dog.

Here are a few basic tips how kids should NOT interact with Dogs:

It's not OK to let your child walk up and get into a dogs face (would you like that if I did that to you), but people really do not stop to consider the dog's feelings and realize what is normal behavior. 

How kids SHOULD interact with Dogs


Animals can be adopted from the Humane Society, SPCA, adopted from an Animal Rescue Group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.