Biker Rides 10 Mile Race with Found Kitten in Her Bra

One very hot summer day in June in Texas, I was out with my cycling club on a 50 mile ride through the countryside near Pearland.

We were near the end of the ride and going at a pretty good pace, around 20 to 22 mph and one of the girls I ride with asked me if I noticed the kitten.

Not thinking I heard her correctly, I asked her what she meant.

She said, “the kitten on the side of the road back there.” Well, that’s all I needed to hear. I pulled out of the pace line and went back. At first I didn't see anything, so I laid my bike down and started to walk in my bike shoes.

I saw some huge buzzards eating something and had a horrible feeling in my stomach. Thankfully when I got closer, they flew away and they apparently had been eating something else, not a cat. I started calling “kitty kitty” and out of the tall grass came running a little tiger striped kitten screaming as loud as he could, “get me outta here!”

He ran to me and I ran as fast as I could in bike shoes with clips on them and scooped him up. He immediately began to purr and had the biggest blue eyes! 

By that time, the girl who had first noticed him had decided to come back to see what was I up to. We looked around to see if he had a momma nearby and/or maybe litter mates who may have been dumped.

I grew up in the country and remember as a child that people would dump defenseless domestic dogs and cats near our home when they didn't want them. I routinely had a new dog or cat in our garage at my parent’s house in Bay City, Texas. I don’t think I have had moment in my life without a beloved pet that someone gave me because they didn't want them or that I found somehow.

How Would I Get Him to Safety? 

My next problem was how to transport my new find the last 10 miles to a gas station where I could leave my kitten so I could take him somewhere safe. Leaving him was out of the question. It was 90 degrees out and there were buzzards. Also, he was miles from any houses. There was no way he was there on his own. 

I was in a racing jersey and bike shorts. Not a lot of room for things aside from Gus and maybe an iPod. What to do?

My friend suggested putting him in my pocket. He didn't like that, and being a kitten, wiggled out. I stuffed him down the front. He was not going to cooperate. I finally decided that the way to minimize the kitten claws on my skin was to wrap him in my sweat bandanna. Sorry, I am a good biker and ride almost 100 miles per week, but not with a kitten. 

He was not happy and kept trying to get out. I have a racing bike and did not want to wreck me, the bike or the kitten. I ended up shoving his head under my armpit (Sorry Kitty!) and holding him down with my arm so he wouldn't scratch me as much. 

Thankfully after a couple of miles, he gave up and gave a pitiful “meow” every minute or so.

Was He Adoptable?

I left him at a gas station and went for my car and then drove him to an animal
shelter. But something happened on the way there. Those blue eyes! Sigh. 
The girl at the front counter explained that they were not equipped to treat the animals if they were not “adoptable.” I looked down at my new friend and just couldn't bring myself to hand him over the counter to an uncertain future after all we had been through. Then a dog started to cry from somewhere in the shelter and I ran out with my kitty before I adopted more animals.

So we added Perry (named for Pearland where I was lucky enough to find him) to our home. My Pekingese dogs were not pleased at first, but Rory, my Chihuahua who was rescued from a parking lot, took to the new guy immediately. They now are best buds and run, play and sleep together. We are all one happy family.

My husband and I, four dogs and a cat...Wouldn't have it any other way.

For an Extensive List of Animal Rescue Groups and Shelters click here
Written by Marjorie Monroy of Texas