Cat Dials 911 and Saves Owner

When police officer Patrick Daughtery entered the home of Gary Rosheisen in December 2005, he was surprised by what he found.

The cat's owner, Gary Rosheisen, was on the ground near his bed having fallen out of his wheelchair.

Rosheisen said his cat, Tommy, must have hit the right buttons to call 911.

"I know it sounds kind of weird," Officer Patrick Daugherty said, unsuccessfully searching for some other explanation.

Rosheisen said he couldn't get up because of pain from osteoporosis and ministrokes that disrupt his balance. He also wasn't wearing his medical-alert necklace and couldn't reach a cord above his pillow that alerts paramedics that he needs help.

Daugherty said police received a 911 call from Rosheisen's apartment, but there was no one on the phone. Police called back to make sure everything was OK, and when no one answered, they decided to check things out.

That's when Daugherty found Tommy next to the phone on the floor.

Rosheisen got the cat three years ago to help lower his blood pressure. He tried to train him to call 911, unsure if the training ever stuck.

The phone in the living room is always on the floor, and there are 12 small buttons — including a speed dial for 911 right above the button for the speaker phone.

Rosheisen later said he had tried to teach Tommy to call 911 years before, but was unsure whether it worked…until that day. "He's my hero," Rosheisen said.

Dogs, Cats, Bunnies, Ferrets and Birds can be adopted from the Humane Society, ASPCA, bred, adopted from a Rescue Group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.