6 Top Benefits of Adopting a Pet

Are you thinking of getting a new pet? Have you ever considered pet adoption?

Dogs, Cats, Bunnies, Ferrets and Birds can be adopted from the Humane Society, SPCA, Shelters, adopted from a Rescue Group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.

Here are 6 simple reasons why you should choose pet adoption.

1. You’ll save a life

Saving a life just may be one of the most rewarding actions in a person’s life. Some pet shelters have to put down animals if they do not get adopted. If you choose to adopt a pet from an Animal Shelter or Animal Rescue Group, you are not only saving a precious animal’s life, you are also greatly increasing its quality of  life (and yours).

2. You’ll save money

When you adopt a pet, you are actually saving a lot of money. Animals that have been placed in Shelters and Rescue Groups are spayed or neutered, micro-chipped, vaccinated and temperament tested.

Those preliminary, but necessary procedures add up when all is said and done. Also, it is relatively inexpensive to adopt a pet from an agency or shelter in comparison to purchasing dogs or cats from a local pet store who usually gets their pets from Puppy Mills.

 3. You’ll receive a healthy pet

As was mentioned above, pets from shelters and adoption agencies are almost always spayed or neutered, and have received their vaccinations as well. This ensures the health and happiness of your future pet.
In contradiction to popular belief, many pets who have been placed in shelters have not been mistreated or “done something wrong.” Many pets have been taken there because of people problems, such as divorce, a big move, illness or death of the guardian, or they are simply too busy to adequately provide care for a pet.

4. You won’t be supporting puppy mills

Many pets that are sold in pet stores or newspaper ads sometimes come from puppy mills. Puppy mills are mass dog-breeding businesses that are harmful to the health of their bred puppies.

These facilities sometimes house up to several hundred dogs at a time, thus compromising the health and well-being of a precious puppy. Do NOT buy any pets online. 

By adopting a pet from a Shelter, an Animal Rescue Group or a pet adoption agency, you are not supporting these often inhumane businesses.

5. You’ll have a large selection

Because pet adoption agencies, animal shelters and rescue groups have many pets, there is a wide selection for you to choose from.

To make pet shopping easier on potential parents, many rescue groups, pet agencies and shelters have websites that allow people to search for possible pets by their age, sex, size, and breed.

This enables families to search from the comfort of their own homes, the hassle of going to noisy and overwhelming shelters and agencies is eliminated.

Click here for a list of Shelters and Animal Rescue Groups. The satisfaction you will acquire when you adopt a pet is like no other. 

You will have received a healthy pet, you will save money, you will be supporting a healthy and just cause, you will get the perfect pet for your family, you will have saved a life and you will have gained a loving, loyal companion.

6. Health Benefits

We know intuitively that our pets enrich our lives, so it is not surprising that a growing number of scientific studies are demonstrating the positive effects that animals can have on human health and development.

Here is just a partial list of the health benefits of pet ownership, as reported by the Delta Society, a non-profit foundation that promotes research on the bond between humans and their animals:
  1. Pets Help to Lower Blood Pressure. A recent study at the State University of New York at Buffalo found that people with hypertension who adopted a cat or dog had lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than did those who did not own a pet. (Dr. Karen Allen, State University of New York at Buffalo
  2. Contact with pets develops nurturing behavior in children who may grow to be more nurturing adults.
  3. Having a pet may decrease heart attack mortality by 3%. This translates into 30,000 lives saved annually in the U.S. alone
  4. Seniors who own dogs go to the doctor less than those who do not. In a study of 100 Medicare patients, even the most highly stressed dog owners had 21 percent fewer physician contacts than non-dog owners. (Siegel, 1990)
  5. Autistic children with pets are more highly socialized and are less self-absorbed.
  6. Children exposed to pets during the first year of life have a lower frequency of allergic rhintis and asthma. (Hesselmar, 1999)
It's also been reported that petting an animal significantly reduces stress and helps to eliminate depression. Many nursing homes have incorporated programs which allow pets to visit residents, which is said to "lift ones' spirit".
Adopting a pet has lifelong benefits that you will not regret. Give these animals a second chance by allowing them to join your loving family.

AnimalFoundation (formerly Lied)
This is a HIGH KILL Shelter in Las Vegas, NV
By adopting an animal you'll be saving a life!
655 N. Mojave Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702)384-3333 #131 (adoptions)

Map and Directions Information and Hours

Adoption Search

The Adoption Department is open daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Lost and Found Daily 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

All animals have been:

  • Spayed or neutered 
  • Microchipped
  • Vaccinated 
  • Vet checked 
  • Temperament tested 
  • You receive a Free bag of food 
  • Free follow up Vet check 
  • 14 day return policy 
If you're not certain whether you want a long term commitment by adopting an animal and would like to see if this is for you, perhaps you would enjoy Fostering.

Fostering an animal is very rewarding and so gratifying knowing that you have saved a life and took care of this precious soul until he finds a forever home. For more information on fostering an animal click here.