Bathing Your Cat

Unlike you, your cat does not need a daily shower or bath. And that’s a good thing, since most dogs and cats would rather snooze in the sun than shake in the sink or tub. Do you look forward to bathing your cat? No?! Here are some tips for smooth sailing. Make bathing your cat easier for you and your cat.

Exceptions to the rule are show cats and dogs that are bathed from a kitten or puppy's on a regular basis and become accustomed to the routine. And certain breeds, such as Turkish Vans, actually enjoy swimming – but it has to be their idea!

While professional groomers have more tools to make washing your cat or dog painless, here’s a few tips for the at-home pet guardian.

How to Bathe a Cat

The majority of cats prefer to manage their own grooming, licking their paws to wash their face and getting the rest of their body clean quite effectively, but there are occasions when even a fastidious cat needs help.

Brushing your cat (even short haired cats) on a regular basis, not only removes hair & dander, it may reduce the amount of times your cat needs to be bathed, and it is a wonderful bonding experience for both you and your cat.

If your cat picked up some motor oil along their travels, then try dipping a comb in vegetable oil and working it into the worst of the stains.
Dawn liquid dish washing soap is wonderful for removing dirt and grime, helps with fleas and is used for birds, dogs, wildlife, etc.

Usually, feline grooming shampoo is sufficient, but for removing oil, nothing beats Dawn dish washing liquid. (I put some Dawn on a wet wash cloth and rubbed my cats down with it every day for about a week. They loved it, and got rid of their fleas.)

This helps dissolve motor oil and makes it easier to remove. It’s also digestible, in case your cat licks any off.

Lower your cat into the sink so she’s knee-deep in the sudsy water.

Use a cup to dip and pour water over her. Lather soap into her fur. Rinse. Wipe her face with a clean cloth.

Then wrap her in towels to dry. When the towels are removed, your cat may shake to get the water off....stand clear.

Once you've combed in a significant amount, use paper towels to blot and wipe off as much as possible. You should be able to remove a good portion before subjecting your cat to a dunking.

Trim her nails first, and prepare the sink by placing a towel in the basin to give her claws something to clutch.

Fill the sink with a couple inches of warm water. Squirt in the cleanser and slosh around. Stack dry towels nearby.